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'use strict';var utils = (function () {    var isSupport = 'getComputedStyle' in window;    /*     * toArray:Converts an array of classes to an array     * @parameter:     *   likeAry[object]:Class array to convert     * @return:     *   ary[Array]:Convert completed array     * By Team on 2017-04-16 12:44     */    function toArray(likeAry) {        var ary = [];        try {            ary = Array.prototype.slice.call(likeAry);        } catch (e) {            for (var i = 0, len = likeAry.length; i < len; i++) {                ary[ary.length] = likeAry[i];            }        }        return ary;    }    /*     * toJSON:Convert JSON string to JSON object     * @parameter:     *   str[String]:JSON string     * @return:     *   obj[Object]:JSON object     * By Team on 2017-04-16 12:48     */    function toJSON(str) {        return 'JSON' in window ? JSON.parse(str) : eval('(' + str + ')');    }    /*     * win:Operating browser box model information     */    function win(attr, value) {        if (typeof value === "undefined") {            return document.documentElement[attr] || document.body[attr];        }        document.documentElement[attr] = value;        document.body[attr] = value;    }    /*     * getCss:Gets the value of the specific style property for the current element     * @parameter:     *   curEle[object]:current element     *   attr[string]:style properties of elements     * @return:     *   Style attribute values for elements     * By Team on 2017-04-23 12:29     */    function getCss(curEle, attr) {        var val = null,            reg = null;        if (isSupport) {            val = window.getComputedStyle(curEle, null)[attr];        } else {            //->IE6~8            switch (attr) {                case 'filter':                case 'opacity':                    val = curEle.currentStyle['filter'];                    reg = /alpha\(opacity=(.+)\)/i;                    val = reg.test(val) ? RegExp.$1 / 100 : 1;                    break;                default:                    val = curEle.currentStyle[attr];            }        }        reg = /^-?\d+(\.\d+)?(px|rem|em|pt)?$/i;        val = reg.test(val) ? parseFloat(val) : val;        return val;    }    /*     * getCss:Set the style property value for an element,Setting inline styles for elements     * @parameter:     *   curEle[object]:current element     *   attr[string]:style properties of elements     *   value:set style property value     * By Team on 2017-04-23 15:36     */    function setCss(curEle, attr, value) {        if (attr === 'float') {            curEle['style']['cssFloat'] = value;            curEle['style']['styleFloat'] = value;            return;        }        if (attr === 'opacity') {            curEle['style']['opacity'] = value;            curEle['style']['filter'] = 'alpha(opacity=' + value * 100 + ')';            return;        }        var reg = /^(?:width|height|(?:(?:margin|padding)?(?:top|left|right|bottom)))$/i;        if (reg.test(attr)) {            !isNaN(value) ? value += 'px' : null;        }        curEle['style'][attr] = value;    }    /*     * setGroupCss:Set the style attribute value for the batch     * @parameter:     *   curEle[object]:current element     *   styleCollection[object]:style collection     * By Team on 2017-04-23 15:36     */    function setGroupCss(curEle, styleCollection) {        for (var key in styleCollection) {            if (styleCollection.hasOwnProperty(key)) {                setCss(curEle, key, styleCollection[key]);            }        }    }    /*     * css:The style properties of the operating element, including the capture style, the individual settings style, and the batch settings style     * @parameter:     *   curEle[object]:current element     * By Team on 2017-04-23 15:36     */    function css() {        var arg = arguments;        if (arg.length >= 3) {            //->SET CSS            setCss.apply(this, arg);            return;        }        if (arg.length === 2 && typeof arg[1] === 'object') {            //->SET GROUP CSS            setGroupCss.apply(this, arg);            return;        }        return getCss.apply(this, arg);    }    /*     * offset:Gets the offset of the current element distance BODY     * @parameter:     *   curEle[object]:current element     * @return:     *   [object]:{top:xxx,left:xxx}     * By Team on 2017-04-23 16:43     */    function offset(curEle) {        var l = curEle.offsetLeft,            t = curEle.offsetTop,            p = curEle.offsetParent;        while (p) {            if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 8') === -1) {                l += p.clientLeft;                t += p.clientTop;            }            l += p.offsetLeft;            t += p.offsetTop;            p = p.offsetParent;        }        return {top: t, left: l};    }    /*     * hasClass:Verify that the current element contains a single style class name     * @parameter:     *   curEle[object]:current element     *   cName[string]:class name to validate     * @return:     *   [boolean]:true/false     * By Team on 2017-04-29 11:16     */    function hasClass(curEle, cName) {        return new RegExp('(^| +)' + cName + '( +|$)').test(curEle.className);    }    /*     * hasClass:Adds a class name to the current element     * @parameter:     *   curEle[object]:current element     *   strClass[string]:Need to increase the style class name, can be more than, for example:'xxx','xxx xxx', '  xxx    xxx  '...     * By Team on 2017-04-29 11:28     */    function addClass(curEle, strClass) {        strClass = strClass.replace(/(^ +| +$)/g, '').split(/ +/g);        for (var i = 0; i < strClass.length; i++) {            var curClass = strClass[i];            if (!hasClass(curEle, curClass)) {                curEle.className += ' ' + curClass;            }        }    }    /*     * removeClass:Remove a class name to the current element     * @parameter:     *   curEle[object]:current element     *   strClass[string]:Need to deleted the style class name, can be more than, for example:'xxx','xxx xxx', '  xxx    xxx  '...     * By Team on 2017-04-29 11:44     */    function removeClass(curEle, strClass) {        strClass = strClass.replace(/(^ +| +$)/g, '').split(/ +/g);        for (var i = 0; i < strClass.length; i++) {            var curClass = strClass[i],                reg = new RegExp('(^| )' + curClass + '( |$)', 'g');            hasClass(curEle, curClass) ? curEle.className = curEle.className.replace(/ /g, '  ').replace(reg, ' ') : null;        }        curEle.className = curEle.className.replace(/(^ +| +$)/g, '');    }    /*     * toggleClass:If the passing style class name exists in the element, the delete operation is an operation     * @parameter:     *   curEle[object]:current element     *   strClass[string]:class name to be operated     * By Team on 2017-04-29 12:00     */    function toggleClass(curEle, strClass) {        strClass = strClass.replace(/(^ +| +$)/g, '').split(/ +/g);        for (var i = 0; i < strClass.length; i++) {            var curClass = strClass[i];            hasClass(curEle, curClass) ? removeClass(curEle, curClass) : addClass(curEle, curClass);        }    }    /*     * byClass:Gets a set of elements by the element's style class,Compatible IE low version browser     * @parameter:     *   strClass[string]:class name to be operated     *   context[HTMLElementObject]:get the range, the default is document     * @return:     *   [Array]:All matching results     * By Team on 2017-04-29 12:56     */    function byClass(strClass, context) {        context = context || document;        if (isSupport) {            return toArray(context.getElementsByClassName(strClass));        }        //->IE6~8        var allList = context.getElementsByTagName('*'),            ary = [],            reg = null;        strClass = strClass.replace(/(^ +| +$)/g, '')            .replace(/ +/g, '@@')            .replace(/(?:^|@)([\w-]+)(?:@|$)/g, '(?=.*(^| +)$1( +|$).*)');        reg = new RegExp(strClass);        for (i = 0; i < allList.length; i++) {            var cur = allList[i];            reg.test(cur.className) ? ary[ary.length] = cur : null;        }        return ary;    }    /*     * children:Gets all the child nodes of the current container (element), which is filtered in all child elements, and specifies the name of the tag     * @parameter     *    curEle[HTMLElement]:current element     *    tagName[string]:tag name     * @return     *    [array]:Collection of elements     */    function children(curEle, tagName) {        var allNodes = curEle.childNodes,            elementAry = [];        for (var i = 0; i < allNodes.length; i++) {            var curNode = allNodes[i];            if (curNode.nodeType === 1) {                var curNodeTag = curNode.tagName.toUpperCase();                if (typeof tagName !== 'undefined') {                    tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();                    curNodeTag === tagName ? elementAry[elementAry.length] = curNode : null;                    continue;                }                elementAry[elementAry.length] = curNode;            }        }        return elementAry;    }    /*     * prev:Get older brother element node     */    function prev(curEle) {        if (isSupport) {            return curEle.previousElementSibling;        }        var p = curEle.previousSibling;        while (p && p.nodeType !== 1) {            p = p.previousSibling;        }        return p;    }    /*     * prevAll:Get all brother element node     */    function prevAll(curEle) {        var ary = [],            p = prev(curEle);        while (p) {            ary.unshift(p);            p = prev(p);        }        return ary;    }    /*     * next:Get next brother element node     */    function next(curEle) {        if (isSupport) {            return curEle.nextElementSibling;        }        var n = curEle.nextSibling;        while (n && n.nodeType !== 1) {            n = n.nextSibling;        }        return n;    }    /*     * nextAll:Get all brother element node     */    function nextAll(curEle) {        var ary = [],            n = next(curEle);        while (n) {            ary.push(n);            n = next(n);        }        return ary;    }    /*     * siblings:Get all sibling element nodes     */    function siblings(curEle) {        return prevAll(curEle).concat(nextAll(curEle));    }    /*     * index:Gets the index of the current element     */    function index(curEle) {        return prevAll(curEle).length;    }    /*     * firstChild:Gets the first child element in the container     */    function firstChild(curEle) {        if (isSupport) {            return curEle.firstElementChild;        }        var first = curEle.firstChild;        while (first && first.nodeType !== 1) {            first = first.nextSibling;        }        return first;    }    /*     * lastChild:Gets the last child element in the container     */    function lastChild(curEle) {        if (isSupport) {            return curEle.lastElementChild;        }        var last = curEle.lastChild;        while (last && last.nodeType !== 1) {            last = last.previousSibling;        }        return last;    }    /*     * prepend:Add a new element to the location of the specified container     * @parameter     *   newEle:Newly added elements     *   container:Specified container     */    function prepend(newEle, container) {        var first = firstChild(container);        if (first) {            container.insertBefore(newEle, first);            return;        }        container.appendChild(newEle);    }    /*     * insertAfter:Add a new element to the old element     * @parameter     *   newEle:New elements     *   oldEle:Original element     */    function insertAfter(newEle, oldEle) {        var n = next(oldEle),            p = oldEle.parentNode;        if (n) {            p.insertBefore(newEle, n);            return;        }        p.appendChild(newEle);    }    return {        /*--TOOL--*/        toArray: toArray,        toJSON: toJSON,        win: win,        /*--CSS OR STYLE--*/        offset: offset,        css: css,        hasClass: hasClass,        addClass: addClass,        removeClass: removeClass,        toggleClass: toggleClass,        /*--GET ELEMENTS--*/        byClass: byClass,        children: children,        prev: prev,        next: next,        prevAll: prevAll,        nextAll: nextAll,        siblings: siblings,        index: index,        firstChild: firstChild,        lastChild: lastChild,        /*--OPERATING ELEMENT--*/        insertAfter: insertAfter,        prepend: prepend    }})();



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